Monday, April 22, 2013

Dear Amber...

Hell-o :D
So this post will be all bout friends and hard times.. i bet all of you have those once in life. right..
But first I start with my ..  best friend.. or she was my best friend.. and surly you ask why was?.. heres the story (i try to put that t in happy mode :D). ok here it goes

 THE STORY *sparkly music*
My best friends name was Amber. She was year older then me, but the birthday was on same day 24 of April. She was pretty and really outgoing. She loved animals and had abour 15 pets or smething like taht. Not sure.. 6 dogs, 6 cats, 3 horses, 2 spiders, snake.. ect. Like alot. I met her near my home when I was little. Around 10-sh. In college she studied Art and Disaining. She was good drawer and made really cute tattoos what were really good. She was depressed personm but didn't show off. I think she even was suicidle  SO here's She.. 
But WAS story part.. so it was about umm.. ending of October 2012 I think it was 20th.. She was in fight with a drugdealer. Cause her friend was drug addic and wanted his dose but was drunk and she got stabbed on the fight.. she went to doctor to get it all cleaned and stuff. on 31th of october (HALLOWEEN!!!!!) she fainted in college and got taken to hospital. Doctors said that she won't get out yet the will do tests and stuff.. On 1st november she called to me to say that Mitch (Rock In Peace) is passed away (sadish times..). on 2nd I went to Finnland. She Called to me on 4th of November before I got on boat to get back home and she said:" yes I'm fine. yesterday I felt weak that's why I didn't call but now I'm alt better and I'll get out tomorrow or day after tomorrow." 
I got on boat and got back to Estoani and then I got call from that Ambers friend and he said: " Dude i'm really sorry but Amber passed away about a hour." i was shocked. I didn't wanna belive that (taht's all normal) i didn't belive that till my other friend called and invited me to her funural. I didn't go cause i was too depressed and sad. 
Her funural: Her body was burnt like she wanted and burried on her back yard. on top of her ashes was buried a willw tree. It was her favorite and she still lives on there. I hope her sole is happy with that :)

Now the hard time. It's always hard to let go a person who is liek sister to you. but I'm really greatful to my old dorm mates who helped me throw that and made me smile. those are real friends. and if you need to talk with someone. You can talk with me. and i'll do my best to help you ut with your problem and stuff. I know i'm not gd with that but i try :D

i think that's all soo s HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY AMBER (even thow you won't get 20 this year) forever young!!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dear Insanity!!

Hello again :)
I have to say sorry again for not posting in long time. I've been busy with my internship. ughhh.. but today is really in portent for me.. because 


And yes Girlfriend as a girl who am I dating.
I know it's been kinda long time and kinda short..
but the " Dear Insanity" is the post name cause it's been hard 2 months. Sometime shes just too depressed and doesn't tell me anything. but at other day she's so happy and tells everything.. so the Bi comes out as in every way :D
But still I love her with my whole heart and I don't wanna lose her.

Main topic now::::: Same sex marriage!!A lot of people are against it. I dunno why and I don't get why. like... does that star world war 3?? no.
A lot of Christians (no offence) say that it's in Bible that gay marriage is sin and stuff. I have read the Bible once and I didn't see that. part. So any christian person can you pleas send me that part where it's written that it's a sin. and i don't wanna offence anyone. like really. NOT RACIEST AT ALL!!! That is just my honest opinion and you can't hate me for that. OK you can but you can't take away my opinion. AS the song "Same Love" the singer sung: "Damn right i support it" and that's why its my fave song. I'm just a human who love same sex person not a monster who will eat you some day. I never judge person by it's look. always look in persons heart.

Fact #2 God did Adam first. Adam as a man not as a woman. so you can't say that God hates gays cause he did.. or it did.. man 1st. I'm having no ideas where I'm going to with that. But I think that should be sin that some people push they're religion on people who doesn't give an fuck about it!! But I think this is all :D my head is all empty again yay ^.^

soo BYE!! and Love you all :P